Friday, March 3, 2017

30 days Post Surgery

It's been 32 days since I had my leg amputated.  My pawrents were really concerned about me.  Even though they read up on Tripawd dogs, they were worried.

Dr. B. told my pawrents to think of it as removing the pain - not the leg.  Dr. B. was right.  Once I healed from the surgery, I felt so much better! That leg was really hurting me and having it hang on me just made me feel bad.  Taking it was the best choice, especially since it had cancer in the bone. There is even a website about Tripawds.

Today, I can go up and down steps. Go on walks. I chased the rabbit in our yard the other day. I'm not nearly as fast, but I gave it my best shot. I sometimes like it when my mom will carry me up and down the steps and pretend I can't do it. She gets some homemade jerky my dad made and when I see that - I forget I'm faking it and run up for the treat! Who can turn down homemade beef jerky? My dad made it special for me. I still need help getting up on the couch, but my dad said he would make me a ramp.

Being a Tripawd doesn't suck - Cancer does.

 Next update I'll chat about my second chemo treatment.

Love, Lily

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