Sunday, March 12, 2017

Three Chemo Treatments in....

Hello, Lily here.

So far I've had 3 chemo treatments and the side effects have not been too bad. I haven't puked anywhere, which is good.  I hate puking and mom hates cleaning it up.

My last treatment was on Friday - and it was 3 days later than normally scheduled because Dr. Torres said my white count was too low.

I'm pretty much back to my old self - the only things I can't do are jump up on the couch or bed, but my pawrents help with that.

Here is a picture of me with Annie - one of my fursisters. She was bugging me while I was trying t look out the window, so I had to tell her to back off a bit. She doesn't listen to me very well. (You can't tell I only have 3 legs in his picture).

I do have some sad news to report.  Our old kitty sister, Callie, crossed the rainbow bridge on Tuesday.  She was very old and had developed a heart condition.  My pawrents are sad that it was her time, but they gave her a good home for 17 years. She's now healthy and hanging out with my pawrents other furbabies that have crossed the bridge, Max, Shelby, Critter, Chef, and Bits.  RIP Callie Sue.

One of the "perks"  (if there can be a perk with cancer) of being sick is that my dad feeds me stuff called Super Food. Super foods are high in Omega 3's and other nutrients that help me stay extra healthy during chemo. One of the foods he feds me is sardines.  Yes...sardines. My mom gags and runs away - but I like them. And they do make me feel stronger.

My next chemo is on Monday, March 20th. That is a big appointment and I'm a little nervous. I have to be at the vet all day and be monitored because it's a very strong drug that I will receive in an IV ( I hate the IV). But I'm going to be a trooper and I know I will be just fine.

Thanks for reading my blog.  And if you need help with a Tripawd or Dog Cancer, be sure to check out the links.

Remember - Cancer is a word, not a sentence.

Friday, March 3, 2017

30 days Post Surgery

It's been 32 days since I had my leg amputated.  My pawrents were really concerned about me.  Even though they read up on Tripawd dogs, they were worried.

Dr. B. told my pawrents to think of it as removing the pain - not the leg.  Dr. B. was right.  Once I healed from the surgery, I felt so much better! That leg was really hurting me and having it hang on me just made me feel bad.  Taking it was the best choice, especially since it had cancer in the bone. There is even a website about Tripawds.

Today, I can go up and down steps. Go on walks. I chased the rabbit in our yard the other day. I'm not nearly as fast, but I gave it my best shot. I sometimes like it when my mom will carry me up and down the steps and pretend I can't do it. She gets some homemade jerky my dad made and when I see that - I forget I'm faking it and run up for the treat! Who can turn down homemade beef jerky? My dad made it special for me. I still need help getting up on the couch, but my dad said he would make me a ramp.

Being a Tripawd doesn't suck - Cancer does.

 Next update I'll chat about my second chemo treatment.

Love, Lily